How we made a front-end prototype in 3 weeks to help dancers swap skills

What is 2Step?

2Step was created to allow dancers, choreographers, and performance artists the ability to swap and learn new dance styles and skills while giving a platform to connect with others in the dance community virtually.

Why 2Step?

Problem: As a team of 5 we were given a task to create a front-end prototype within 3 weeks time. We came up with a goal to create an app that would help like-minded people to exchange skills and knowledge. As we have been living during a pandemic and spending much of our days in a virtual world, we wanted to focus on creating an online learning platform to help people trade/swap skills in the user's preferred space.

My contributions: User research interviews, competitor analysis, survey creation and distribution, user persona, ideation, feature prioritization matrix, user flow, user testing interviews, lo-fi prototype, future feature ideation.

How did we land on an app involving dance?

We interviewed 5 participants about their professional and recreational skills. This included a Martech Manager, History Teacher, Factory Worker, Dancer, and Photographer. 

Throughout these interviews we found a recurring theme of the following: 

  • Movement is grounding activity for physical and mental health

  • Learning new skills are essential for personal development

  • Hands on training through visual communication is key

  • Social Media is a main source for learning new skills

  • Learning and/or teaching on a routine is preferred


These insights led to the exploration of a movement based skill set with dynamic characteristics for educational exchange.

We decided to pursue dance as the movement based skill set that others would be able to share on a virtual scale.

To wrap up our research…

We focused on our user using an affinity diagram and what stood out was the need for routine, the want to learn new skills, caring about fitness, enjoying various hobbies but not finding the time, and preferring taking one class at a time.


The Problem - to expand their craft beyond their own genre of dance and remain exposed to creative expression, experienced performance artists need access to a variety of dance styles and skills to develop new perspectives on movement. 


How might we use a digital platform to provide immediate opportunities allowing performance artists, dancers and choreographers to trade skills in their respective genres and tutor one another, furthering their development and creativity.

This brought us to creating “Jazz“ to showcase the ideal user

Then the ideas started flowing and coming together

We used a feature prioritization matrix followed by dot voting to prioritize wants, needs, and key features. 

 Value Proposition

We believe by offering users a platform that enables them to swap their skills and build relationships through dance, it will cultivate a sense of community, establish understanding of other forms of dance and allow inspiration and creativity to flow freely.

We created our user flow to show the main feature of scheduling sessions with other dancers.


We explored Jasmine's lifestyle and what opportunities she may have that would lead her to use 2Step and to see where her journey may take her.


As a team we each sketched out what we feel would fit best for our app and looked at the similarities and what we wanted to pursue further when creating our lo-fi prototype. It became obvious that we wanted to create an interactive community with an immediate scheduling functionality.

User Testing Feedback

With this feedback we created our hi-fi adding vibrant colors that not only play into the excitement of dance and learning but also checking that the contrast of the colors and fonts would be inclusive throughout the app.


Style Guide


The Hi-Fi


Future Work


We tested our hi-fi and our users would prefer: 

“Categories for dance styles need more inclusivity and subcategories”

 “More availability of time slots and a more detailed calendar with notifications”


As for our KPI’s we feel that it would be beneficial to track the following: 

  • The number of free trial periods that turn into monthly/annual memberships 

  • Membership retainment by reviewing number of members using discounted offers 

  • The progress of skill swaps by issuing badges to learn how often users are trading skills 

 Additional Features

The future features of the app would include VR capabilities, adding a same day skill share where users can show their immediate availability for a swap, and adding filters that allow users to search for dance styles by local, national and international regions. 



Filters without Frustration: Non-Profit Desktop and Mobile Redesign